- Pregnant Women for screening to ensure that the baby is genetically healthy
- Women whose ultrasound or prenatal testing results suggest an increased risk of birth defects
- Women who are pregnant or are planning to be after the age of 35 years
- Women who suffer from multiple miscarriages, or stillbirth
- Babies who were recently born to check for genetic anomalies
- Couples whose infant has a genetic disease diagnosed by routine newborn screening
- Couples who share common relatives
- Couples who are aiming for IVF
- Couples who are aiming for sex selection
- Individuals or couples who have had a history of infertility, or have experienced an early infant death in their families
- Anyone concerned about birth defects or the inheritance of ethnic or familial conditions such as blood disease, neurological disorders, developmental delay, etc.
The list of our professional services and tests
What Is Genetic Counseling?
- Genetic counselors provide information and offer support by simplifying genetic concepts into useful information. A genetic counselor can meet with a person or family to answer all questions related to their health, along with analyzing and offering all the suitable choices for them. The information provided in a session can help individuals make informed and personal decisions about their own health, their pregnancy and genetic testing.
Types of Counseling
- Pre-marital counseling
- Pre-conception counseling
- Neonatal counseling
- Thoughtful discussion and coordination of genetic testing
- Opportunities for families and individuals to address, in detail, their concerns regarding inherited conditions
What Happens at a Counseling Appointment?
When you go to see a genetic counselor, he or she:
- Will record your family history and your own medical background
- Will put together a picture of how your family’s health may affect your children
- May review testing options available in the context of your family planning goals and ethical and religious beliefs
- Will help you and your physician interpret medical information and the role of heredity as it applies to your family
Testing results review will be coordinated between the genetic counselor, the person or couple and the referring physician/ provider. In the event of troubling results, the counselor will provide information to help make decisions that best fit your needs. The counselor can also refer you to resources in your community including medical specialists or family support groups that deal with specific genetic conditions.
We offer fully integrated services starting from pre-marital counseling, tests during pregnancy, and new born screenings.
- Step 1: Counseling
- Step 2: Pre Marital Tests
Reassuring safety for normal pregnancy or diagnosing and identifying any risks
- Step 3: During Pregnancy (Pre Natal) Screening
Reassuring safety of the embryo during pregnancy or diagnosing and identifying any risks
- Step 4: Newborn Screening
Reassuring safety of your newborn or diagnosing and identifying any risks
– In case of any diagnosed or identified risks, we offer a full list of genetic testing. We will guide you step by step using our expertise and together we will reach your ultimate goal of having a healthy baby.
– All the above screening tests are recommended by the UK royal college and the American college of Medical Genetics to all pregnant ladies.
– Neonatal screening is an obligatory test for all newborns in US & Europe.
Chromosomal Study/Analysis
- Blood Chromosomes (Routine karyotyping)
- Blood Chromosomes (Fra-X)
- Y Microdeletion (AZF/DAZ) DNA Testing
- Amniotic Cell Chromosomes by Culture
- Amniotic Cell Chromosomes by FISH X,Y,21,18,13
- Tissue Chromosomes ( P.O.C )
Pre Natal Screenings:
- Triple Test Genetic Screening
- First Trimester Genetic Screening
- Non Invasive Prenatal Test (NIPT)
New Born Screening:
- Neonatal Screening ( PKU, Galactosemia, TSH…)
- Extended Metabolic Screening (Sick Babies)
- Fatty Acids Oxidation Disorder (Carnitine /Acylcarnitine )
- Organic acids Disorders (Screening)
- Organic Acids in Urine
- Amino Acids (Quantitative) in Plasma , CSF , Urine
- Biotinidase (Quantitative)
- Step 1: Counseling
- Step 2: Infertility and Abortion Tests
Case specific tests to diagnose and identify the source of the problem
- Step 3: Choosing the Best Solution between Normal Pregnancy and IVF
We ensure explaining all possible scenarios and risks before taking the decision together.
We collaborate with the best IVF centers in Egypt. - Step 4: During pregnancy Screening
Reassuring safety of the embryo during pregnancy or diagnosing and identifying any risks
- Step 5: Newborn Screening
Reassuring safety of your new born or diagnosing and identifying any risks
– In case of any diagnosed or identified risks, we offer a full list of Newborn Tests. We will guide you step by step using our expertise and together we will reach your ultimate goal of having a healthy baby.
– All infertile couples in the USA & Europe are offered genetic testing before starting an IVF program
Chromosomal Study/Analysis
- Blood Chromosomes (Routine karyotyping)
- Blood Chromosomes (Fra-X)
- Y Microdeletion (AZF/DAZ) DNA Testing
- Amniotic Cell Chromosomes by Culture
- Amniotic Cell Chromosomes by FISH X,Y,21,18,13
- Tissue Chromosomes ( P.O.C )
Pre Natal Screenings:
- Triple Test Genetic Screening
- First Trimester Genetic Screening
- Non Invasive Prenatal Test (NIPT)
New Born Screening:
- Neonatal Screening ( PKU, Galactosemia, TSH…)
- Extended Metabolic Screening (Sick Babies)
- Fatty Acids Oxidation Disorder (Carnitine /Acylcarnitine )
- Organic acids Disorders (Screening)
- Organic Acids in Urine
- Amino Acids (Quantitative) in Plasma , CSF , Urine
- Biotinidase (Quantitative)
- Step 1: Counseling
- Step 2: Selecting the Healthiest Embryos for Transfer
We offer individualized embryo testing to properly select the most healthy embryo for highest pregnancy success rate
- Step 3: Identifying Healthy Embryos Sex
We clearly differentiate between XX (female) & XY (male) embryos before transfer
- Step 4:Interpretation & Follow up with IVF Center
We directly communicate with your IVF Doctor/Center to meet your expectations
We use the latest embryo screening technology NGS (Next Generation Sequencing) which enables us to screen a full 24 chromosomal picture of your embryo viewing all genetic details with the highest resolution in the world.
List of Tests
- Blood Chromosomes
- Thrombosis Panel Including (Factor V / II / MTHFR)
- Pre Implementation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)
- Embryo Screening by FISH (5 probes, 11 Probes)
- NGS Embryo Screening (24 Chromosomes)
- Sex Selection (XY)
Personal Identity Card
- For the first time in Egypt you can now have your DNA Identity card. This card is highly recommended for frequent flyers, immigrants and embassy personnel. This will help in your personal identification among others under any circumstances.
Paternity Confirmation
- This test could be offered during or after pregnancy. All our paternity reports are recognized by legal authorities and the high Supreme Court in USA and all reports are highly confidential and communicated only with the requester.
Maternity Testing
- We offer maternity tests to sort out any uncertainties including hospital mismatches, special care baby units, or others.
Sibling Confirmation
- We offer sibling confirmation tests to sort out legal heritage issues or others.
- Step 1: Counseling
- Step 2: Identifying the genetic disease
We offer a full range of testing based on the input of the counseling session
- Step 3:Management Plan
Outline the appropriate management plan for the case to avoid having another affected case
- Step 4:Follow Up & Preventive Testing
A) Normal Pregnancy Trial: Very early testing during pregnancy to reassure having a healthy baby
B) IVF: Possible preventive testing by examining embryos and selecting the healthy ones
Pre Natal testing of genetic diseases is a routine test in USA & Europe.
Embryo testing to select healthy embryos (PGD) is highly recommended by medical authorities in USA & Europe .
List of Tests
- Familial Mediterranean Fever (FMF)
- B-Thalassemia
- Thrombosis Panel including (Factor V / II / MTHFR)
- Y Microdeletion (AZF/DAZ) DNA Testing
- Cystic Fibrosis
- Fragile X DNA Testing
- BRCA1-2
- Duchenne Muscle Dystrophy (DMD)
- Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA)
- NGS for Genetic Disorder
- Prenatal Genetic Diagnosis
- Other tests are available Upon Request.
Hemato-oncology testing unit:
We operate a special Hemato-oncology testing unit for diagnosis and follow up of all hemato-oncology disorders. This includes all types of Leukemia and Lymphomas.
- Chromosomal study by culture & FISH technique
- Molecular DNA study
- NGS panel testing